A few hail and hearty Adventurers braved the cold of Central Ohio and took in dinner and a movie. We made the pilgrimage to the Mecca of over eating, the Thurman Cafe. After that we went and saw
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege tale. The movie was classic D&D. Good vs. Evil. Wizards, Fighters, noble good guys, slimy bad guys, sword fights and hot girls; this movie had it all. The only missing ingredient was a "kingly" actor to portray the King. Burt Reynolds was the choice and it was about like you think it would be. Somewhere between Bo Darville (Smokey & the Bandit), Jack Horner (Boogie Nights), and J.J. McClure (Cannonball Run). King Konreid deserved better. Like maybe Sean Connery, Billy Connolly, or Alec Guiness. Yeah I know he's dead but he'd still been better than Burt.
Anyway, that being said, this was a pretty good flick. Ray Liotta played a pretty maniacal wizard going against Jason Stratham's paladinesque Farmer. For a movie that had next to no publicity and based on a video game I'd say go see it. And take an Adventurer with you. I give it three Floyd's. Don't forget only 161 more days until JonCon!

I forgot to mention earlier a special shout out to the men hating Al Gore tree huggers and the King's Ninja Task Force. They actually added to the movie as well as a couple of really cool special effects.
Three Floyds!!! Wow sounds like a must see movie...LOL
Steve Palmer
Yes Sir 3 Floyd's. Would have been 4 if someone other than Burt was the King.
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