This morning I went and saw the much awaited, much ballyhooed new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. A movie with a cast of Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman and others shouldn't suck. And it didn't.
First a quick word about the Joker, played brilliantly by Heath Ledger. I went to this movie prepared to see an over rated, over hyped performance by Ledger. I was wrong. Heath's Joker is a terrorist who is creepy and scary, and at times sadly funny. The crowd laughed at scenes I'm not so sure were intended to be funny. But there were two different scenes where the crowd loses it with the delivery of one word by the Joker. Like they say timing is everything. The Joker represents a lot of things that are currently wrong with America and the world. There have been enough commentaries about the premature death of such a fine actor so I don't want this to be another. But what a waste of life and God given talent. He will be missed.
Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman show you exactly what screen studs they are as they play their roles brilliantly. Gary Oldman's Lt. Gordon is a truly virtuous character, a paladin of sorts, amidst a sea of corruption. And his closing monologue will more than likely give you goose bumps and raise the hair on the back of your neck. Kudos to the writers for including the names of some early comic book adversaries with the crime families.
I really think this is better than Ironman, which I thought was easily the best Super Hero flick to date. This movie is action packed from the minute it starts. There are some incredible stunts, great camera work and fine performances to be enjoyed and they far out weigh the over indulgent scenes which will remind you of the earlier Batman movies. We didn't stay until the credits were over so I'm not sure if there are any hidden gems or not. (Update-- No hidden scenes)
This movie takes you on an emotional thrill ride that lasts the entire movie and I can't wait for the next film that caps off this trilogy. I'm not sure if they will go with Catwoman, Riddler, Penguin or some other Super Villian for the next one but whoever it is I'm sure it will be awesome, although they did throw out a Cat reference. The only thing this movie was missing was a really hot temptress so we will have that to look forward to in the next one.
DC Comics certainly answered the bell with this movie. After Marvel dominated the big screen recently this is more than a nice little come back, it is a catapult to the top of the heap. DC needs to build on this momentum and keep cranking out the great work. I will go see this one again and so should you. Grab an Adventurer and say "Here... we...go" to see the best comic book movie ever. He is our silent protector, our vigilant watchman, The Dark Knight.
I give it 5 Floyd's only because I can't give it 6.

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