I went and saw The Watchmen today, accompanied by a hearty group of adventurers, and came back shaking my head. After the much hyped, and anticipated, movie finally arrived I am so glad I didn't go at midnight to watch this two hour and forty three minute train wreck. If it hadn't been for Jackie Earle Haley's Rorschach this movie would have been, in my opinion, flat out terrible. Malin Ackerman looked good playing her character which was her most redeeming quality.
After the opening sequence, which was awesome, the movie became very slow, dark, and weird. A word of advice. Do not take your kids to this. Overall, the characters were forgettable, underdeveloped and just plain uninteresting. Parts of this movie were really good. Parts were really bad. And yet others were just plain weird. I think they could have have shaved about 45 minutes off this and it would have actually been better. If you haven't gone yet I'd suggest waiting until it comes out at the video store and watching it in small doses. I give it one Floyd (out of five). In the previews and throughout the movie you hear the phrase 'a comedian died last night and no one cares.' They need to change it to a movie died and no one cares.

After having a few days to digest this movie I have reconsidered my rating. I dropped it to one Floyd.
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