They say a picture is worth a thousand words so this one tells you all you need to know. But just in case here are some words, and numbers, for you.
45 - the number of plays run by New Mexico State
62 - the number of yards gained by New Mexico State
1.5- the average yards per pass allowed by the Bucks
1.3- the average yards per run allowed by the Bucks
7 - the number of players for OSU that out gained New Mexico State
2 - the number of first downs made by the Aggies
2 - the number of OSU players who out gained NMS in both categories
2 - the number of injuries suffered that could really hurt OSU against Penn State
A throw away game. A game that normally would be played in the early weeks of a season. Not much to say other than New Mexico State is a really bad team and our offensive line is still a great big question mark.
Go Bucks!!
Buckeye Minutiae
Heading into next week Ohio State is 12-12 against Penn State all-time. The Vest is 5-3, 2-2 in Happy Valley, against JoePa.
Number 59 watch
Got some pretty good air time as the team ran on the field during the pre-game show. Also was visible when the showed the entire singing of Carmen Ohio. He even looks like he has learned the words.
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