It looks like there will be another Free RPG Day this year. June 19, 2010, is the date to circle and get free stuff!! Woo Hoo!! Check it out
Here are some of the sponsors so far:
* Alderac Entertainment Group
(Silver, L5R 4th Edition RPG Quickstart & Adventure)
* Blue Panther
(Store Sample, Unique Color Knockdown Dice Tower)
* Chessex Manufacturing
(Bronze, Commemorative Dice w/ store name)
* Exile Game Studios
(Bronze, Hollow Earth Expedition Quickstart & Adv.)
* Fantasy Flight Games
(Gold, TBA)
* Goodman Games
(Gold, TBA)
* Guild of Blades Publishing
(Store Sample, Heroes Forever Quickstart & Adventure)
* Paizo Publishing
(Gold, Pathfinder Bonus Bestiary)
* Q-Workshop
(Gold, unique dice)
* Skirmisher Publishing
(Bronze, TBA)
* Troll Lord Games
(Silver, Castles & Crusades Quickstart and Adventure)
* White Wolf Publishing
(Gold, Exalted 2nd Edition Quickstart & Adventure)
* Wizards of the Coast
(Platinum, Dark Sun 4th Edition D&D Adventure)