I went and saw the midnight showing of The Incredible Hulk. Pretty good stuff. The theater was almost full and the crowd had some energy. One thing about midnight premiers is that the crowd is usually into it.
This latest version of the The Incredible Hulk was so much better than the one released 5 years ago. The 2003 incarnation wasn't bad, except for the actual Hulk, considering the cast.
I was hoping this would be worth it and this one was pretty cool. They didn't start with the creation of Hulk but rather with the hunt for him. So I guess you could call it a sequel but it has a new cast. They used some flashbacks to fill you in as to what went wrong with the tests and picked it up from there. General Ross was played to jerk perfection by William Hurt. Edward Norton was pretty convincing as Dr. Banner and added some nice depth to the role. The rest of the cast was pretty good in their roles also. I imagine Hulk has to be the hardest superhero to capture on film, especially with the CGI effects, but they finally got it right. And they keep setting up a very cool upcoming movie. Come to think of it they are setting up a couple of movies.
Marvel has thrown down a serious gauntlet to DC Comics with the summer releases of Ironman and now Hulk. DC has a chance to get back in it this year with the release of The Spirit and the Dark Knight.
In true Marvel fashion look for hidden references to other things in the Marvel Universe. And thank you Marvel for not forgetting the Hulk's past. Go see it and let me know what you think and you can leave when the credits roll, no hidden messages here.
Overall not quite as good as Ironman but soooo much better than the last one. I give it 3 Floyds.

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