Well I went and saw the new Indy movie; Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.
Overall I liked this movie. Part of that might be the fact that I just really like Indiana Jones and part of it might be it was just better than I expected. The whole premise of his character is something that I like. And when the theme song kicks in that makes all things right again. Is there a better theme song in movie history? I know several people hated it and said it was terrible. All I can tell you is no matter what your opinion turns out to be it won't be as bad as the D&D Movie.
This movie is everything you would expect from Indiana Jones. But that is why we go I guess. The Nazi's are no longer the bad guys for Jones rather it is the Russians. The movie touches on several issues like the Red Scare of the 50's, and our fascination with space.
My favorite thing in this show was the fact it ties into several other movies, and not all of them are Lucas/Spielberg productions. You'll see things that tie into E.T., Close Encounters, National Treasure, Pirates of the Caribbean and Signs.
My biggest gripe with the movie is that a couple of scenes really looked "cheesy" to me. I mean come on, who has more money to make a movie than Lucas and Spielberg so why skimp on some of the effects? They will become painfully obvious to you.
Unlike the last Rocky or Rambo movie that clearly ended those franchises this one still leaves room for maybe one more chapter. But if they do make another it will have to be a tremendous story with incredible effects.
That being said I would recommend you going to see this movie with an Adventurer near you. I give it 3 out of 5 Floyds.

1 comment:
Thanks dear you give a best review about this movie.This movie is really everything you would expect from Indiana Jones.i love this movie.wanna watch it now then Download Free Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Movie from here & enjoy your time.....
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