Let The Games Begin

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Season of JonCon

As declared earlier tonight this, my friends, is the season of JonCon 2009. It has been so declared by the great Jon "Gygax Arneson" himself!! Let the movie going, the pigfests, game playing begin!! We will sing songs to Jon of JonCon legend and lore. Men everywhere should write and sing songs in his honor, build shrines and worship at the alter for this man. Truly, he is a saint among swine, and deserving of the highest accolades in the worlds beyond. It is 52 days away so don't wait to start the party!!!


Radagast said...

This sounds great! Nautallica clued me into this website, so you can blame him. Can someone give me a rundown of a quick and dirty agenda for the week of JonCon/Origins? Thanks from a newby.

SP said...

I will arrive in Columbus Wed. night and head home late Saturday night.

I have a hotel for Wed., Thur., and Friday night.

Unknown said...

We eat, play games, eat, walk around, eat, maybe see a movie, eat, play more games.

SP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SP said...

Don't forget that we eat. LOL

I tried to check my spelling and I could only delete the prior post...bah

Unknown said...

and by eat I mean "THURMANS"