I went and saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine this morning. Overall I liked it, but...
I will give this spoiler. See there was this big wave and... No just kidding. Do not get up and leave when the screen goes black, OR when the credits role.
This was one of the harder reviews for me. I really, really wanted to love this movie but (after Watchmen) was very apprehensive.
I thought they had changed a lot of things but wasn't 100 % sure. So when I got home I looked some stuff up and found out my memory wasn't quite as faulty as I thought. The biggest problem with this movie, to me, was the director seemed to get stuck on certain things and would not get off them. Like Wolverine looking skyward and screaming with great anguish. They really over did that. I had issue with some of the CGI scenes because they looked so bad (Think of the later Highlander Movies)

Hugh Jackman was good and I would love to see another film with Wolverine, only with better writing. I still think they could have done more with developing his character and background but maybe the will save it for a future movie.

Liev Schreiber was good as Victor/Sabertooth. He played him very dark. So much so it was like he reprises his role from Defiance and just changes costumes and sets.

Taylor Kitsch (Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights) did a great job as Remy LeBeau/Gambit and I wouldn't mind seeing him make a reappearance in a future film. I know this was a background movie for Wolverine but Gambit needed a bigger role. Also, a little more background on him would have been great.

Ryan Reynolds (Definitely, Maybe, and Two guys, a girl, and a Pizza Place)showed a lot of potential as Wade Wilson (aka Deadpool). Too bad the writers didn't.
Overall it was enjoyable but frustrating. I will go see it again and hopefully will see it in a better light. I give it three Floyd's and say go see it soon.

I hear this movie was made for the ladies. Too much man love for me
Intersteing point...The "Wallet Drainer" likes the movie.
All I know is I have some concerns about Caleb posting pictures of shirtless men on his blog.
Since it makes you uncomfortable about something I'll stop.
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