I went and saw Public Enemy this morning. Starring Johnny Depp and Christian Bale I was expecting great things I left a little disappointed. I thought the movie was a little slow in a lot of places. The movie jumped around to a lot of different locales with little warning and unless you knew the Hotel Congress was in Arizona, or caught the Hialeah sign in the background you would not have thought Florida at that moment. I also struggled with some of the historical things in the movie like the World Series game on the radio in one scene would have been played in 1932 and I got the impression from the film that it was much closer to the time of Dillinger's death. Also, I thought the FDIC sign in one bank was a little out of time but I may be wrong on that matter. But the weapons, cars and clothes were spot on and quite an addition to the flavor of the movie.
The soundtrack was outstanding with Diane Krall leading the way. They featured some period pieces, some retro stuff and some new music written for the movie.
So was some of the cinematography. Some of the scenery was outstanding and the shootout scene at Little Bohemia was incredible, probably the best ever in a gangster movie. Very Saving Private Ryanish.
Overall it was good, not great but good. I'd say go see it. But don't let your date wear red, especially since they don't either. Two Floyd's (and Boy they aren't pretty) and a bit.

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