Top 10 Reasons to Attend Historicon™ 2009
10 - Be a part of a winning tradition at the largest and most respected wargame convention in the country. Don’t miss being able to say “I was there! I was at Historicon™ the best wargame con ever.” It’ll be like Woodstock, except with war elephants and Panzers.
9 - Experience military history. The battle is yours to win or lose. How do your general skills compare to Julius Caesar, Omar Bradley, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, James Longstreet, “Stonewall” Jackson, Aleksandr Vasilyevich Suvorov, Hannibal and the world’s other great military leaders?
8 - An army travels on its stomach. Is there any better place to get provisioned than the all-you-can-eat buffets of Pennsylvania Dutch Country?
7 - Expand your knowledge as well as your waistline. Interact directly with leading gamemasters, manufacturers, military history experts, game designers and other fascinating members of the Historical Miniature Gaming Society family.
6 - You can shop till you drop. For four days in July, the Historicon™ Exhibit hall will be the world’s biggest wargame hobby store! And if that’s not enough for you, check out the bargains in the constantly changing flea market area.
5 - An unbeatable wargame experience! Where else can you choose from hundreds and hundreds of games, ranging from ancients, Colonial, WWI, WWII, Great War, ECW, Napoleonic, Civil War and Naval, to Medieval battles and air combat. From pirates to gladiators to aliens, there’s something for everyone.
4 - Make new friends! Enjoy the company of old ones. Better yet, introduce someone new to the fun of an HMGS convention. Bring a co-worker, family member or neighbor with you to Historicon™.
3 - Location…Location…Location. Lancaster is a great place to bring the whole family for a vacation. While your miniature army is on the march, family members can be sightseeing, shopping, relaxing at the pool, Dutch Wonderland and much, much more!
2 - Where else can you have so much fun for so little? For only $35.00 ($15.00 if you are an HMGS member and pre-reg!), you can have four days of convention activities, including non-stop gaming, shopping for new figs, rules, paints and accessories, a painting competition and events, a big flea market (the largest at any convention!), workshops, game demos, a children’s room, “Mega” games, and many other activities.
And the Number One reason to attend Historicon™…
1 - To enjoy Historical Miniatures Gaming's Biggest Summer Vacation!
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