I went to see Ironman tonight. Always one of my favorite comic books I was really looking forward to this movie albeit with some trepidation. Could Robert Downey Jr. pull off the brilliant, but slightly flawed, Tony Stark? Would the modernized story line be any good? Would this be just another crappy adaptation of a classic comic book? The answers? Yes, Yes and a resounding Hell No.
This movie rocks from the opening sequence, set to "Back in Black", until the credits start rolling to the immortal classic title track by Black Sabbath. The driving music through out the entire show sets the tone and really gets your heart rate pumping (which in my case is not always a good thing). It was filmed in California but at times you really think you are in a terrorist camp in Afghanistan. The other actors are pretty good in their roles and the directors have seemed to have covered all their bases. Jeff Bridges gives a pretty decent portrayal of bad guy Obidiah Stane. Gweneth Paltrow is hot as Stark's assistant "Pepper" Potts. Terrence Howard plays a great Jim Rhodes. But Robert Downey Jr. pulls off the title character brilliantly in my humble opinion. He was pretty much how I remember him in the comics.
They set up the sequels very nicely and to be honest I can't wait for the next installment. This is a franchise that I believe will surpass Spiderman, X-Men, and Fantastic 4 as the cornerstone of the Marvel Universe. I don't want to give away too much but this is a definite must see for Adventurers. I'm up for another outing with any of you guys who want to go see it.
It has thrown down a big gauntlet to the next couple of Super Hero movies this summer, The Incredible Hulk (June 13), Hell Boy 2 (July 11), and the Dark Knight (July 18). I give it 4 Floyds. And do not, I repeat, DO NOT LEAVE before the credits are over!!!!
I went to see this again, tonight with the Adventurers. And after seeing it again I have to change my rating of the movie. It was even better the second time than the first. I saw so many more things this time around. This movie was filled with a lot of fun subliminal references to not only the Marvel Universe but other movies as well. Pepper Potts has one heck of a stride in those spiked heels! I have to tell you to go see it again. And when it comes out on DVD and Blu Ray it is a must buy. This is quite possibly the best Comic Book based Super Hero Movie ever. Not only good for a Comic Book Movie but a pretty darned good movie as well. DC Comics needs to step it up to get back in this game. 5 out of 5 Floyds!!

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