Let The Games Begin

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Best Super Hero Movies

After going to see Ironman for the second time the group I was with started pondering a timeless question. What is the best Super Hero Movie of all time? Several titles were tossed out as "favorite" or "best" but no concensus was reached. So with no further adieu I give you my list of best Super Hero Movies (in no particular order). My only criteria was that the movie had to be based on character(s) from a comic book.

Ironman (2008) Marvel Comics

An incredible movie

Batman Begins (2005) DC Comics

DC gets back in the game with this one

Superman (1978) DC Comics

Very original and innovative for the time.

X-Men (2000) Marvel Comics

So much to take in and see. Has unlimited spin offs and sequels

Fantastic 4 (2005) Marvel Comics

I really liked this one

Batman & Robin (1997) DC Comics

The best of the early Batman franchise

Spiderman (2002) Marvel Comics

The Web Slinger. I liked it. Spidey works out well for Marvel

Ghost Rider (2007) Marvel Comics

Not a big Cage fan but I liked this one. Also Sam Elliot was pretty cool.

Superman Returns (2006) DC Comics

This saved the Superman franchise which had been doomed by earlier sequels.

Dare Devil (2003) Marvel Comics

Yeah I liked it. Me and maybe one other person

4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) Marvel Comics

The Surfer was freakin awesome and will deservedly get his own movie soon.

There have been a lot of this genre lately and a lot more on the way. I'm hoping they just keep making great movies. 2009 looks to be a huge year for the comic book nerds like me. Some of the ones coming up:

Dark Knight (2008)
Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Flash (2008)
Billy Batson and the Legend of Shazam (2009)
Thor (2009)
Wonder Woman (2009)
Captain America (2009)
Teen Titans (2009)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
X-Men Origins: Magneto (2009)
Justice League: Mortal (2009)
Ghost Rider 2 (2009)
Silver Surfer (2009)
Sub-Mariner (2010)
Nick Fury (2010)

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