Let The Games Begin

Thursday, August 28, 2008

ahhh vacation

An American tradition. A blissful, peaceful time. As my family and I prepare to depart for the sunny, tropical shores of Florida's emerald coast we have been overcome with a very melancholy feeling. Yeah Right.

Countdown to Vacation (So far):

2 months ago - Youngest daughter transfers from Capital to Ohio State
6 weeks ago - Youngest daughter decides to go to Columbus State instead of Ohio State

Three weeks ago - Oldest daughter resigns from job
Three weeks ago - Youngest daughter decides to go to Nigeria to visit/work with missionary friends of ours
Two weeks ago - next to youngest daughter graduates from College (woo hoo)

T-8 days I go to the emergency room with minor (their words not mine) chest pains
T-7 Youngest daughter decide to forgo mission work. Is hired on a conditional basis by a professional womens basketball player to be her nanny as she plays in Sweden.
T-5 The first part of our group departs. Headlong into the remnants of Hurricane Fay
T-4 My son-in-law is taken to an emergency room in Florida with a blood clot in his lungs
T-3 Very long day filled with prayers and much waiting on news from the hospital. We finally do hear that he is doing better and moved from ICU to a step down unit.
T-2 7:45 am Our beater Toyota decides not to start as I am heading to my appointment with the cardiologist
T-2 5:30 pm Our Benz decides to quit running in the parking lot of Kroger. can't have it towed to the shop until in the morning
T-2 6:15 Son-in law is released from hospital (finally something good!!) Maybe things are looking up
T-2 Conditional contract falls through, basketball player does not sign with Swedish team. Looks like it is back to Nigeria
T-2 11:00 pm Decide to check weather.com for latest. Hello Gustav

I just can't wait to see what Thursday brings. I'm off to bed. Out

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