Let The Games Begin

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

GenCon, Chatham Tap and the MegaBus

I know I'm starting early (I'm off work and bored) but I'd like to try the MegaBus thing to GenCon again in 09. If we get out tickets early enough (the end of March of early April) we can travel for less than $20.

Once we get to Indy we really don't go to far out of walking distance so it shouldn't be a problem. And if we go back to the Chatham Tap we could take a cab. I thought that place was great last year and would really like to go back if you guys would too.

As far as lodging goes I think I'm going to try to reserve a room in the Marriott as soon as they open the booking. My thought now is to once again head over on Wednesday and then come home on Friday. I do enjoy being there on Thursday morning when they open the gates for the giant cattle call.

What say you men?


SP said...

Love the megabus idea. I could ride over with you, but I may stay until late Saturday night. Room
friday night, check out Saturday and game all day...then home...although it will depend on the bus schedule.

Unknown said...

Cool. You could leave your car at my house.