Let The Games Begin

Sunday, May 17, 2009

... and here we go

You are sitting in the Stag Horned Flagon, a tavern in the city of Amphail, enjoying doing nothing. You have just finished your first job as "professional" adventurers. The drinks are flowing freely and you are enjoying the best meal you have had in some time. You had left your homes in the Saltmarsh area when an opportunity availed itself to you. You made 3 gold pieces each fighting off a pack of wolves that had been attacking local farms. You performed well but luck played a bigger part of your mission than talent. None the less here you are. You have no jobs, no prospects and all you own is what you have in your pockets.

A very attractive server brings another round and with it your tab. "It is on the house tonight boys, courtesy of old Krivvin Shamblestar himself. There must be a little more to you than what the naked eye can see. Anyway, Krivven wants to see you in the back room for a minute. I told him you'd be there after you finish this round."

As you begin to discuss this very sudden turn of events an extremely brutish young man staggers to your table, directly to the largest one of you, slams his monstrous fist on the table and bellows "I challenge you to Shields!"

It is your initiative what do you do?

1 comment:

Radagast said...

I kick him in the balls and tell him his breath stinks!! I then run like a chicken!!!!